While the funeral experience is a key part of the grieving process when someone dies, there are other services and businesses available to assist individuals and families during this difficult time.
Here is a list and contact details of some of the businesses and support services available in and around the Murray Bridge area:
1A, 2-6 Sturt Reserve Road, Murray Bridge
Ph: (08) 8215 6320
Email: murraybridge@centacare.org.au
Funeral Assistance Program
Services Australia (Centrelink)
23-51 South Terrace, Suite 1 MM1, Murray Bridge Marketplace, Murray Bridge
SA.GOV.AU – Funeral AssistanceSA (www.sa.gov.au)
Services Australia, Murray Bridge (Centrelink)
23-51 South Terrace, Suite 1 MM1, Murray Bridge Marketplace, Murray Bridge
The South Australian State Coroner’s Office
302 King William Street, Adelaide
Ph: 8204 0600
The Department of Veterans’ Affairs
Ph: 1800 838 372
Homepage | Department of Veterans’ Affairs (dva.gov.au)